Prodim Proliner, utente Saethre Sten Industri

Saethre Sten Industrias is looking to use the Proliner for more than countertop templating

Saethre Sten Industrias from Norway has the Proliner 7CS with CT software in use for several years now. Two new employees came to Prodim for training and they brought their own Proliner with them.

The Saethre Sten Industrias employees were very quick to pick up how the Proliner works and see the potential of the digital templator. Tommy Vassdal: “It is so easy to handle and it works so quick, I can see how we can win a lot of time by working with the Proliner. I also see the potential for measuring much more than just countertops and splashbacks. I look forward to working with the Proliner in the field.’


Website Saethre Sten Industrias