Prodim Proliner, utente Visser Spiegels & Glas

Visser Spiegels & Glas switches from the laser to the Proliner for accurate measurements

Visser Spiegels & Glas is a Dutch company specialized in the fabrication of glass and mirrors. Their products vary from tempered glass to customized glass according to the wishes of their customers. Mr. Visser and Mr. Verlangen:

“Our company has worked with different tools for measuring glass and mirrors. We have measured manually, used optical measurement systems and have worked with laser technology. The problem with those and especially the laser, is that they created templates are not accurate. The laser reflects on glass and is very sensitive for making mistakes. As a result, we decided to invest in a Proliner which not only enables us to make accurate digital templates, but also reduces the amount of time needed to process the digital templates in the office.”


Visser Spiegels & Glas website